If you are searching for bills (from the 1993-1994 legislative session to current), use the Official California Legislative Information Web site (listed below). Also use this site if you are doing a legislative history of a California law that passed no earlier than the 1993-1994 legislative session. Searching by bill number is the easiest and fastest way to do this.
If your California law was passed before 1993, please visit the California State Assembly Office of the Chief Clerk's Bills and the Legislature page (also discussed below) and browse the Historical Archives.
Judicial Council's California Courts
This link should take you directly to the "Opinions" page. Note that the "Opinions" link is located at the top left-hand corner of the screen. Slip opinions from the last 120 days are posted. Each opinion is provided in Word and Adobe Acrobat.
Also available is a searchable opinions database (1850 to present), which is updated monthly and are current to within 90 days of filing. Searching is free, but limited to personal use. Powered by LexisNexis.
Access the Judicial Council and Administrative Office of the Courts forms on the Forms section of the California Courts Web site. One may select a form group or browse a complete list of forms by form number, form name or by recent changes.
California Appellate Courts Case Information
This system provides case information for California Supreme Court and Court of Appeals cases. Case information is updated once an hour throughout the business day. Select a jurisdiction, then search by cse number, by party, by attorney or by case caption. Once you find your case, you may sign up for email notification of specific case activity (e.g. date of oral arguments).
LA Law Library's CA Appellate Briefs
The LA Law Library (with help from LLMC) is digitizing the briefs of California appellate and Supreme Court cases. When the project is complete, it will include briefs from the beginning of the California Court of Appeal (1905) and the California Supreme Court (1850). Because one needs the docket number to search for briefs, please go first to the California Appellate Courts Case Information page where one can search by party name, attorney name, and/or case caption (after selecting the court). Thanks to Carol for the heads up!
Below are sites that also provide access to California case law.
The California Building Standards Code (Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations) is available online in PDF form on the Building Standards Commission Web site.
The California Building Standards Code is published every 3 years and is updated by supplements in intervening years. It is available for purchase or available to the public at no cost through depository libraries (click on the "DOC" link for list of names and addresses of depository libraries throughout California).
The availability of state court documents online varies widely by court. Please see the article by Rachel Samberg linked below for further information on this topic.
And you may have to register and pay for online access. For example, the Los Angeles Superior Court has an online system but one must register and pay for searches and downloaded documents. See link below.