Data degradation, also known as data decay or data rot, is a colloquial computing phrase for the gradual decay of storage media. It should not be confused with "bit rot", defined in the Jargon File as a jocular explanation for the degradation of a software program over time even if "nothing has changed".
Wikipedia. Data degradation. Retrieved from
Krauss, K. (2011, August 6). When data disappears. New York Times. Retrieved from
* Pogue, D. (2009, March 26). Should you worry about data rot? New York Times. Retrieved from
Rothenberg, J. (1999, February 22). Ensuring the longevity of digital information. Retrieved from:
- On a related note, Rothenberg's website had broken links to the original article in Scientific American and the link I provided is to a latter, expanded version of the article. In an ideal world, which do we preserve - both articles? If so, how do we handle that - in one record or multiple?