As you conduct your research, you may come across articles that are not available online, but are owned by the library in another format (print, fiche, film).
Use the Article Request Form to have us scan and email these articles to your University email, usually within 48 hours!
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As you become engaged in your research, you may uncover books and articles not available at the Cheng Library.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service provided by the library, where we obtain, whenever possible, materials not available in our collection, for educational and research purposes. This can include, but is not limited to, books, journal articles, documents, and audio-visual materials, although there are some exceptions (textbooks, archival material, etc.). Materials are obtained from other libraries, both in this country and throughout the world.
To place a request for an item NOT owned by Cheng Library, login to the Interlibrary Loan & Article Request Portal. Select the appropriate form to complete. Article requests will generally be available in the portal within 24-48 hours. Book requests take longer 3-10 days and you will need to pick up the book at Cheng Library.
The new portal also allows you to check the status of your requests. For additional information, please watch the tutorial below or visit the Interlibrary Loan Services page.
The Cheng Library has made arrangements with other libraries in NJ, that allow you to borrow materials directly from those institutions.