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COMM2200: Radio and TV Industries: Locating Articles

This guide provides an overview of relevant resources related to radio and television.

In class assignment

Trade Publications

Search Tip: Keywords

It is usually a good idea to start out broadly, so using just one or two of your topic terms is a good way to begin. Once you have a set of results, you can begin narrowing down your results by entering one or more terms. Searching in a specific field such as "Subject" or "Title" will narrow or focus your results. 

Search Tip: Truncation

Truncation Finds Multiple Word Forms

The asterisk (*) is usually used to search words with the same root:

 Person* =  Personal, Personality, Personable,  etc.

Wildcard symbols (usually a ‘?’) replace a single letter:

Wom?n = Woman, Women

Locate Trade and News Articles


What Kind of Publication Should I Use?

Scholarly Journals:     Scholarly journals are generally written by researchers and scholars for other researchers and scholars.  Articles are research-based and will often undergo a peer-review process through which other experts in the field review and critique articles prior to publication.

Trade Publications:
Trade publications are often considered to fall between scholarly journals and popular magazines, and often focus on a particular industry.  Articles are generally written by practitioners/specialists in the field and discuss industry trends, methods and techiques, benchmark information and relevant news.

Popular Magazines:
Popular magazines are often written by reporters or journalists, with articles focusing on current events or popular topics.  References are generally not included.


Newspapers can cover the most current events on a topic or provide a historical perspective to an issue or event.  These are not scholarly sources, but can be valuable for context.


40 Under 40

Access the NY Times or Wall Street Journal