Thank you for visiting the Library Research Guide for CISE3700: Multiple Literacies in the Content Areas. This guide will connect you to library resources and services to help you in this course.
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Here are some resources about text or media sets:
This is a guide to resources for CISE3700: Multiple Literacies in the Content Areas. Here's what you'll find:
K-12 Textbooks and Teaching Aids: List of call numbers to help you find textbooks and teaching aids in the Curriculum Materials Center (CMC).
Online Sources to Find Juvenile Books: Links to the Cheng Library's Online Catalog, databases for finding literature for K-12 and links to the online catalogs of many New Jersey libraries and library systems.
Educational Software, Media, Websites & Apps: Lists of good quality software, websites and apps for teaching and learning.
Resources for Teaching with Technology: Highlights books and other resources that may be helpful in developing lessons that use technology.