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NUR3260: Critical Thinking and Inquiry: Recommended Websites

Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020 is a government sponsored program seeking to make positive changes to the health of Americans, by setting goals and objectives for a variety of health-related issues in the country.  Exploring these objectives can help you to better understand these issues, and develop plans for addressing them.

Web Searching & Evaluation

While it may seem easier to do a web search for information rather than use a library database, you need to critically evaluate web sites. While there are numerous web pages that describe how to evaluate a web site, here are a few that you may find useful:

Evaluation Criteria: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly: Why It's a Good Idea to Evaluate Web Sources

Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask

Website Evaluation Wizard

The CRAAP Test

Get More out of Google

Recommended Websites

Your patients and clients may ask for additional information about prevention, diagnosis, treatment, support, and options for themselves or a loved one.  These sites are intended for the non-practitioner and provide links to a wealth of information about a variety of diseases, conditions, health and wellness issues.