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Getting Started with LibGuides: An Introduction for Cheng Librarians: Create a Guide - Layout and Content

A Guide to creating and developing your own research guides for subjects and individual courses using the LibGuides software.

Create a Guide

You’re ready to create your first Guide. You can add a new guide to your site by either creating it from scratch, or by copying an existing guide.

After creating your guide you’ll be taken to the editing environment, enabling you to add pages, boxes, content, and make adjustments to the guide's layout.

Once you have added some content and are satisfied with your Guide, you're ready to publish it. Each new guide you create begins with a status of Unpublished, meaning that the public cannot view or search for it. In order to share your guide, you need to change its publication status to Published or Private.

  • A Published guide will be visible to the public and included on your LibGuides homepage and in search results. It is recommended that you add keyword “tags” to your published guides to enable them to be easily found in a LibGuides search on our site.
  • A Private guide will only be visible to users who know its URL. It will otherwise not be included on your homepage or in search results. This type of publication status is recommend for guides designed for use by staff.


Recommended Guidelines for Cheng Library LibGuides:


Naming Guides

  • Guides for subject areas and specific academic programs should use the name of the relevant Department or Program whenever possible (e.g., "Africana-World Studies Resources," "Athletic Training Resources," etc.);
  • Guides for specific courses should use the name of the course as it appears in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs, including the departmental/prgoram abbreviation and course number (e.g., "CIEE 516: Integrating Technology into the Curriculum," "POL 202: Research Methods in Political Science," etc.);
  • The "Guide Settings" menu on the editing command bar includes (under "Change Guide Information") an option to assign your Guide a "Friendly URL," and whenever possible you should assign this for your guides (e.g., or

Additional Guide Settings

  • The "Guide Settings" menu on the editing command bar includes (under "Change Guide Information") an option to associate your Guide with a specific subject category, and it is recommended you associate your Guide with at least one category so as to create an access point in addition to the A-to-Z list of Guides.
  • If you share selection or teaching responsibilities with another librarian in connection with a specific Guide, you should use the "Co-Owners, Editors & Collaborators" command in the "Guide Settings" menu to assign one or more individuals editing privileges for your Guide.


Subject Guide

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Richard Kearney
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Electronic Resources Librarian
Reference and Information Services Office, Room 107g
David and Lorraine Cheng Library
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 07470