WOMEN IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS: QUICK TAKEDespite advances in equality, women still face barriers to entering STEM fields. The Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): Quick Take tackles this issue, highlighting the disparities for women in STEM, both in educational and vocational settings.
Notably, the report states that women accounted for less than a third (28.8 percent) of those employed in scientific research and development across the world in 2015. And, the percentage of women employed in high-tech manufacturing positions is even smaller. It further highlights that women of color in STEM fields experience even greater disparities, noting that in 2015-16 Asian women earned only five percent of bachelors degrees awarded in STEM fields, and black and Latina women earned even fewer. In addition to highlighting unequal representation in STEM fields, the Quick Take explores root causes for many of these disparities, including unequal treatment at work, lack of representation in leadership, and gaps in earnings between their male counterparts. The resource concludes with an Additional Resources section for those who want to further explore the topic. The Quick Take was created by Catalyst, a global nonprofit working with some of the world's most powerful CEOs and leading companies to build workplaces that work for women.