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The Children of WWII (Grades 4-6): Citation Station

The Children of WWII

Citation Station

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(Photo taken from:

Please consider a few things when building citations: 

1. You must become proficient at building citations - it is the ethical thing to do and every teacher requires it. 

2. Databases give you the citations for free. Most are at the bottom of every article, or you might have to click on the citation button, but they all do this for you because it is ethical and smart. You just need to copy and paste the correct format (MLA, Chicago, APA, etc.) 

3. There are many websites that can help you build your bibliography page for free - the most popular is EasyBib

4. If you are working in a Google Doc, consider using the citation add-on EasyBib Bibliography Creator. It helps you build citations right in your Google Doc. Just go to add-ons, then get add-ons, and search for it. It's that easy. 

Citation Generators