Once inside a record, individual titles can be viewed in their entirety, or as individual clips. These clips can then be gathered into playlists, which can be easily shared. Playlists are collections of video clips, edited and/or re-ordered by instructors, for use on assignments or lectures (see section on Playlists).
Viewing the Record
The initial listing of each title shows the entire film. Beneath the video player, you’ll see a detailed abstract, followed by additional information about the film (subjects, contributors, collection, etc.). To the right, tabs allow you to view individual clips, as well as other related videos in the collection. The film will automatically begin playing when the page is brought up, and clicking any of the related links will take you to different parts of the video.
Videos can be expanded to Full Screen by hovering your mouse over the bottom of the video player and selecting the rectangular icon to the right. To return to the small version, simply press the Escape key.
Near the bottom of each page, you’ll also find a section labeled Persistent URL. Simply copy this code and embed it into email or Blackboard to provide direct access to this film.
Please use these links to view streaming videos required for completing assignments in this class. You may need to authenticate using your WPUNJ email username & password.