This is a hand-selected list of Geology resources. Please contact the Reference Desk at Cheng Library if you have additional questions at
This site has a complete timeline of life forms and geologic development. Retrieve information about the the collection and preservation of scientific specimens for research.
Created by noted vulcanologist Dr. Victor E. Camp in conjunction with NASA's Project ALERT (Augmented Learning Environment and Renewable Teaching), this site contains sections on volcano morphology, dynamics, historical eruptions.
This mineral database contains 4,339 individual mineral species descriptions with links and a comprehensive image library. Visit the "What's New" section for details.
Locate information on enhancing the sustainability of soils, the environment, and society by integrating diverse scientific disciplines and principles in soil science.
Find information about improving national parks, promoting healthy forests, protecting endangered species and wildlife, improving the quality of life for Indian tribes and the promotion of energy policy.
The USGS is an independent fact-finding agency that collects, monitors, analyzes, and provides scientific understanding about natural resource conditions, issues, and problems.
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