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Professional Selling: Company Research

Company Databases

Use these sources for a quick overview of a company.

SWOT, Industry and Market Research Reports

Industry Analyses, SWOT analyses of public companies and similar reports can be located in several sources. If there is no SWOT analysis for your company, consider examining competitor analyses especially for the opportunities and threats,

  • ABI includes industry reports from First Research, Business Monitor and other sources
  • Business Source Premier includes SWOT analyses on large public companies. Enter the company name and the term SWOT in the search box. 
  • Hoover's Academic includes industry research reports from First Research.
  • IbisWorld includes detailed industry reports based on industry codes (NAICS)




Developing Lists

Several databases allow you to make lists of companies in the same industry. These lists can usually be filtered by a variety of factorssuch as  location, sales, number of employees. Other company and industry resources often include lists of key competitors but the resources below allow the development of lists using industry codes.