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HIST2600: Historical Methods (Local History Focus): Biographical Resources

Biographical Resources

African American National Biography / Henry Louis Gates, and Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - editors in chief, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Evelyn Brooks-Higginbotham.; 8 v. : ill. ; 26 cm; Includes bibliographical references and index.;. - Call Number: REF E185.96.A4466
This eight-volume set contains 4,100 articles written by some 1,700 scholars. The subjects include individuals from all walks of life, such as politicians, sports figures, religious leaders, entertainers, writers, scientists, educators, and others. Most entries include a brief bibliography for further research.

American National Biography / general editors, John A. Garraty, Mark C. Carnes. - New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. - 24 v.; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - Call Number: REF CT213.A68
Over 17,400 lengthy biographical essays in 24 volumes. One of the best resources of its kind for 20th century Americans, although the individual must be dead to be included in the ANB. Two supplement volumes have been added since the original series was published.

American Military Leaders: from Colonial Times to the Present / John C. Fredriksen. - Santa Barbara, Calif.: Abc-Clio, 1999. - 2 v; Includes bibliographical references and index.; v. 1. A-L -- v. 2. M-Z. - Call Number: REF E181.F84
Biographical essays covering 422 men and women. The entries are concise, with most essays ranging from one to three pages at most, and each entry includes a short bibliography.

The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy / Samuel Flagg Bemis (Vols. 1-10), Robert H. Ferrell (Vols. 11-19), and David S. McLellan (Vol. 20), editors. - New York : Pageant Book Co., 1958-80. - v. : ports. ; 22 cm. - Vols. 11-19 have imprint: New York, Cooper Square Publishers; edited by R. H. Ferrell. Vol. 20 has imprint: Totowa, N.J., Rowan & Allanheld; edited by David S. McLellan. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. - Call Number: E183.7 .B46
Multivolume series of studies on the careers of the secretaries of state and their role in the formation of U.S. foreign policy. The most recent volume covers the career of Cyrus Vance, Carter's Secretary of State.

American Women Civil Rights Activists: Biobibliographies of 68 Leaders, 1825-1992 / Gayle J. Hardy. - Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1993. - by Gayle J. Hardy.; Includes bibliographical references and index. - Call Number: REF JC599.U5 H273
Each of the 68 entries in this reference focuses on one individual and includes three major sections: a chronological biography; background information; and bibliographical information (e.g., books and shorter works by and about each person, primary source materials, biographical sketches, media materials [i.e., films, slides, sound recordings], and other works such as plays). Pulls together information not otherwise available in one source. [Choice]

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Richard Kearney
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