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- An online newsletter for parents of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which includes news, reviews, and research.
Grades: PreK - 12
- Adolescent Health Transition Project
- This website is designed for teens with special health care needs due to chronic disease, disability or developmental issues. Focuses primarily on transition issues of becoming independent. A project of the Center on Human Development and Disability at the University of Washington.
Grades: 6 - 12
- Autism Society of North Carolina Bookstore
- Extensive selection of materials for teachers and parents regarding children with autism. Includes both teaching resources as well as children's books.
Grades: PreK - 12
- Autism Spectrum Australia
- Primarily focused on autism services and research in Australia, this website also includes the "Thomas the Tank Engine Emotions Game." Also includes information sheets and links to current research.
Grades: PreK - 12
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD's)
- Part of the Centers for Disease Control website, this website has links for families, healthcare providers, educators and people with ASD. Information about screening and diagnosis, treatment, free materials, research and other resources are provided.
Grades: PreK - 12
- Behavior Home Page
- This website provides resources for exploring the different behaviors of children in a school or community setting, and provides a starting place for research by teachers, special education professionals, and parents. Sponsored by the Kentucky Department of Education and the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling at the University of Kentucky.
Grades: PreK - 12
- Bookshare
- A digital library of over 125,000 titles including both children's, young adult and adult titles, fiction and nonfiction. Membership is free to individuals with a qualifying disability, as well as organizations that serve people with qualifying disabilities.
Grades: PreK - 12
- Born to Explore: The Other Side of ADD
- A site created by Teresa Gallagher, mother of a child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, which attempts to show that ADD is not a disorder with symptoms that can be medicated. Lists of articles and resources that explore alternative views of these children's difficulties.
Grades: PreK - 12
- Libraries and Autism: We're Connected
- The Scotch Plains Public Library and Fanwood Memorial Library (both in New Jersey) participated in a project to increase awareness of the needs of people with autism, as well as to provide resources for caregivers. This website includes customizable materials, as well as lists of videos, blogs, articles and websites about autism
Grades: PreK - 12
- National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
- A branch of the Library of Congress the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped provides free audio and braille materials to certified users. This website gives information about how to apply for this service, the range of services available and online catalogs of materials available.
Grades: PreK - 12
- Project ENABLE: Expanding Non-Discriminatory Access by Librarians Everywhere
- Project ENABLE is a collaborative project of Syracuse University's School of Information Studies, Center for Digital Literacy, and Burton Blatt Institute. It provides continuing education program for school librarians to be better informed about disabilities and to deliver more effective library services to students with disabilities. The website includes online training modules for individuals or groups.
Grades: PreK - 12