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School Libraries and Media: Home

Resources for School Librarians K-12


American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
The American Association of School Librarians is a national organization that advocates excellence in the school library media field by promoting collaboration, leadership, and life-long learning. A division of the American Library Association, AASL provides educational opportunities, publications, workshops, and conferences for its members.
Grades: K - 12
New Jersey Association of School Librarians (NJASL)
The New Jersey Association of School Librarians (NJASL) is a professional association of school library media specialists in New Jersey. The Association advocates library media programs that ensure students and staff will become effective users of information. The NJASL also provides educational opportunities and information through online and print publications, workshops, and conferences.
Grades: K - 12
Resources for Librarians: Serving ELL's and their Families
Colorin colorado is "A billingual site for families and educators of English language learners." This portion of their website provides general information to librarians about serving English language learners and their families. It also provides a list of Recommended Books and Publishers, and Recommended Resources for Public Librarians. Included are resources from REFORMA(The National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking).
Grades: PreK - 12

Bibliographies and Research Guides

School Librarian Resources
A selected list of resources available in the Curriculum Materials Center for managing and teaching in the school library media center.
Grades: K - 12


National School Library Standards
Revised in 2017 by the American Association of School Librarians the National School Library Standards can be approached from different perspectives (librarians, administrators, educators or parents). This website provides access to the standards as well as videos and infographics to support them.
Grades: PreK - 12


Profile Photo
Neil Grimes
Education & Curriculum Materials Librarian
Office, Room 114c
David and Lorraine Cheng Library
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 07470