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Sociology Resources: Statistical Resources

Sociological Statistics

Statistics are an important feature of many research projects and can span a number of disciplines.  The U.S. government provides a wide range of statistical information through its many departments, as do many independent organizations.  The following links highlight just a few of these useful statistical sites.

Statistical Software

The public computer labs at WPUNJ provide installed software you can use for statistical analysis. The available software includes programs like SAS, IBM SPSS Statistics, and the Data Analysis ToolPak in Microsoft Excel. In addition to these, there are a number of free statistical software packages available that you can use on your own personal computer. The links below provide directories of such software.


Statistical Resources

  • American FactFinder
    American FactFinder is a user-friendly portal to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, including the Decennial Census, the American Community Survey, the American Housing Survey, Annual Economic Surveys, the Annual Surveys of Governments, the Census of Governments, the Economnic Census, the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Tabulation, the Population Estimates Program, and the Puerto Rico Community Survey. Most data is easily downloadable in comma delimited or Excel formats.
  • Data on the Net
    This site, based at the University of California, San Diego, lists over 850 Internet sites of numeric Social Science statistical data, data catalogs, data libraries, social science gateways, addresses and more.
  • General Social Survey (GSS) Data and Documentation Sources on the Internet
    The General Social Survey (GSS), conducted 20 times since 1972 by NORC, a national organization for research at the University of Chicago, contains a standard ‘core’ of demographic and attitudinal questions, plus topics of special interest. The GSS is the largest project funded by the Sociology Program of the National Science Foundation and, except for U.S. the Census, the most frequently analyzed source of information in the social sciences. This page contains links to GSS data sets, code books, and related information helpful for making use of GSS data.
  • State Data Center (SDC) Program Member Network Directory
    This page from the U.S. Census Bureau provides links to the home pages of each of the State Data Centers (SDCs) in the country. The SDC lead agencies organize a statewide network of coordinating and affiliate agencies. This network works in partnership with the Census Bureau through the Data Users Branch (DUB) and the Census Bureau's Regional Offices for data dissemination at the local level.
  • Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2013-Present
    The Statistical Abstract of the United States is the most authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. It offers convenient access to a wide variety of data on such topics as population, education, elections, all major sectos of the economy, health and nutrition, government, science and technology, transportation, housing, and much more. Every table in the Statistical Abstract provides citations to more extensive and detailed sources of data for its subject, which also makes it an efficient guide to data sources. The data in the Statistical Abstract is drawn from the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations.
  • Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1878-2012
    This page provides an archive of the annual publication "Statistical Abstract of the United States," which was a publication of the United States Census Bureau. Published annually between 1878 and 2012, the statistics described social and economic conditions in the United States. Since 2013, the publication has been produced by ProQuest and is available through the Cheng Library.
  • Statistical Sources on the Web: Sociology
    From the University of Michigan's Documents Center, includes data on: Aging, Child Abuse, Children, Comprehensive Sources, Crime, Domestic Violence, Entitlements/Grants, Ethnicity, Homeless, Immigration, Language, Non-Profit Organizations, Poverty, Race, Refugees, and Social Security.

NJ Statistical Sources