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Finding Psychological Tests: Home

Before You Start...

It's important to note that the books and databases listed here do not provide the full versions of the tests. They provide basic information and reviews of the tests. 

Obtaining a copy of the actual test can be a bit more difficult. Typically, a licensed professional must contact the test publisher and/or author, and is often required to purchase the test. The publisher/author information can usually be found in the review. 

Also, please be aware that while the staff at Cheng Library are more than happy to help you locate information about the tests, they do not have the expertise to recommend or evaluate the tests. That all depends on your project or research, and those kinds of questions are best answered by your professor.

You can also contact the Psychology Department if you have questions about psychological testing, or if you need advisement on Psychology courses. 

Other Test Resources


The Cheng Library has several other print series that you can use to find test information in addition to the MMY:

Tests in Print

  • Ref. BF176. T447
  • Tests in Print contains information about psychological tests, such as the intended population, the author, publisher, etc. 

Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures

  • Ref. BF431. D57 (vol. 4-8); Ref. BF431. G624 (vol. 9); Ref. BF431 .J29 (title index)
  • In this series you may find information about less common tests. It provides basic information about the tests, like Tests in Print and MMY.


FAQ: Finding Information about Psychological Tests

This FAQ from the American Psychological Association (APA) provides information on Published Psychological Tests, Unpublished Psychological Tests and Measures, and Additional Information on the Proper Use of Tests.

The APA  also offers a number of resources on Testing and Assessment here.The APA Testing Office notes on their website that they do not maintain, sell, or endorse any psychological tests - they aim to provide people with resources about psychological tests. 

Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY)

The Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) is one of the best places to look for psychological test reviews, which provide information about the quality, accuracy, and uses for many psychological tests. The MMY has been published since 1938 and is currently in its 19th volume. Each volume contains information on current psychological tests, as well as any tests that may have undergone any significant changes. The MMY also includes reviews on these tests written by experts who are highly qualified to assess tests within their areas of expertise.

Here's the good news: The Cheng Library has the full run of the Mental Measurements Yearbook (all 19 volumes!), located in the Reference collection (Ref. BF 176 .M467). 

Here's the bad news: While it may seem easy enough to just find the MMY on the shelf and look up your test, one problem with the MMY is that you might have to look in all nineteen volumes to find the test you need, if it's even in there!

But here's more good news: There's a better and easier way to find your test.

The Buros Center for Testing (named after Oscar K. Buros, creator of the MMY) has a searchable website that will quickly tell you:

  • If the test is reviewed in the MMY
  • Which volume you'll find it in!

Here's how it works: 

  • Look for your test in the list of results.  If it's not there, check your spelling or try modifying your search for better results.
  • If you do find your test, don't worry that it has a price next to it! You don't need to buy anything. We're only using this website to locate the volume of the MMY that your test can be found in.

  • Click on the title of the test and look at the Reviewed In section to see what volume of the MMY your test can be found in.

  • STOP! Don't buy the test review through the Buros website! At this point, you'll need to visit the Cheng Library and locate the volume that your test is in. In this case, it's the 16th volume. Save yourself a few bucks and scan/photocopy the MMY test review at the Library!
  • Some tests may be reviewed in more than one volume, although the most current is usually the one you'll want, as it will address any significant changes from previous versions.
  • You can locate your test alphabetically in the volume you need or by using one of the indexes in the back of the volume.


  • The entry in the MMY will provide you with basic information about the test, such as the purpose, population, date of publication, author, publisher, and so on. It will also include references to related information, such as articles and earlier editions of the test.
  • After this information, you'll find the test review(s) (sometimes there are more than one!). Look for the italicized introduction, which will include the name(s) of the reviewer(s) and their credentials. Reviews typically include the following categories:
    • Description
    • Development
    • Technical
    • Comments & Summary
  • Keep going! Now that you've found your review(s) in the MMY, you might be able to find additional reviews and materials in some of the other psychological testing resources that are listed in this guide.

Subject Guide

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Bill Duffy
Bill Duffy

Head of Reference

David & Lorraine Cheng Library

William Paterson University

Reference Office 107c


Research Assistance

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