This tab was created to specifically meet the needs of students in Dr. Rosenthal's section of CIED2120.
Media Services (part of Instruction and Research Technology) helps students learn PowerPoint and other software applications. Located in the Cheng Library, room 120, you can make an appointment through Mike Milling, 973-720-2991, or
Walk-ins are welcome Monday through Friday between 8 am and 10 pm, Saturday between 8 am to 8 pm, and Sunday, 12 noon to 10 pm.
When using Points of View Reference Center please note the additional resources.
On the right (depending on where you are):
The Guide to Critical Analysis can be helpful in developing your argument. As well as suggestions for writing a topic sentence, evaluating websites, and understanding bias. You may also find photos or videos, or suggestions for citing (see Citing Help).
On the left (depending on where you are):
You will find links to other resources, or strategies for limiting your search (by date range or type of resource.)
There is citation assistance available in Points of View Reference Center. Unfortunately, it is not correct APA formatting. Here are suggestions for how to format correctly. Please note the use of capitalization and italics.
For the Overview, Point or Counterpoint:
Issitt, M. (2016). Transgender restroom use: Overview. Retrieved from Points of View Reference
For articles:
N.C. approves changes to controversial "Bathroom Bill." (2017). Church & State, 7(5), 26.
Please note:
NEVER include a web address that includes the term, ezprozy. It is a search string that is unreliable.
Additional information about APA formatting is available under the tab, Citing in APA format (7th edition).
The Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) has a computer-based die-cutting machine called Cricut (pronounced cricket) that cuts letters, numbers and shapes. It is available to help William Paterson students, faculty and staff make professional looking posters, bulletin boards and displays. Use of the Cricut is free, however, you need to bring your own paper.
CMC Assistant, Patricia Moore, is happy to help anyone learn how to use the Cricut. Her hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 8 am to 4 pm. Contact Patricia to make an appointment, 973-720-2174, or via email at