Colonial America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History / edited by James Ciment. - Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference, 2006. - 5 v. : ill., maps ; 29 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and indexes. - Call Number: REF E162.C68
Five-volume encyclopedia features "thematic overviews, six to ten pages in length, of seven major issues in Colonial life. The second (main) section consists of over 400 encyclopedic entries one to one and a half pages in length, covering most aspects of Colonial America. The third section houses chronologies corresponding to each thematic essay, each colony, and colonial Britain, Spain, and France. The fourth contains primary documents illustrating the history of the era, e.g., "Raising Colonial Children." Also includes a topic guide and general, biographical, and geographical indexes. Ancillary materials include a glossary and primary and secondary bibliographies." [Choice]
Dictionary of American History / Stanley I. Kutler. - 3rd ed. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003. - Stanley I. Kutler, editor in chief.; 10 v. : ill., maps ; 29 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - Call Number: REF E174.D52
4,434 entries in ten volumes emphasize social, cultural, and demographic topics, while striving for diversity and inclusiveness. Also covers political, military, and economic developments in American history. Includes over 1,200 photographs and 252 maps, and the text is liberally supplemented with hundreds of cross-references. Volume 10 contains a massive index and "Guide to Research and Learning," which allows the Dictionary to be used as an American history textbook supplement and teaching tool. [Choice]
Encyclopedia of the North American Colonies / ed. by Jacob Ernest Cooke et al. - New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1993. - 3 v. : maps ; 29 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - Call Number: REF E45.E53
Three-volume encyclopedia features "274 signed essays cover the period 900-1860 and range in length from 1,000 to 15,000 words, with bibliographies and related cross-references. There are excellent maps, a chronology of events, and an index in Volume 3. For most topics, coverage is comprehensive and comparative. An excellent starting place for research." [Choice]
Encyclopedia of African American History 1619-1895: From the Colonial Period to the Age of Frederick Douglass / editor in chief, Paul Finkelman. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2006. - 3 vols. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - Call Number: REF E185.E545
'This three-volume set provides "over 700 entries and 300 images covering events from the arrival of the first slaves in Jamestown, VA, in 1619 to the death of abolitionist Frederick Douglass in 1895. The first three volumes of this two-part encyclopedia series focus on activities, issues, and biographies that relate to blacks in the US." [Choice]
Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History / Mary Kupiec Cayton, and Peter W. Williams. - New York: Scribner, 2001. - Mary Kupiec Cayton, Peter W. Williams, editors.; 3 volumes) ill. ; 28 cm; Includes bibliographical references and index. - Call Number: REF E169.1.E624
Three-volume work contains lengthy essays (chronological and topical) and longer-than-average bibliographies. Consult the index for essays covering specific topics under more general themes.
Encyclopedia of American Social History / Mary Kupiec Cayton, Elliott J. Gorn, and Peter W. Williams. - New York: Scribner ; Toronto; New York: Maxwell Macmillan Canada; Maxwell Macmillan International, 1993. - 019: 27791051; Mary Kupiec Cayton, Elliott J. Gorn, Peter W. Williams, editors.; 3 v; Includes bibliographical references and index. - Call Number: REF HN57.E58
This three-volume set features 14 thematic sections and 180 essays covering a wide range of topics in social history, including periods of social change; methods and context; the construction of social identity; processes of social change; ethnic and racial subcultures; regionalism and regional subcultures; space and place; patterns of everyday life; work and labor; popular culture and recreation; family history; social problems, social control, and social protest; science, medicine and technology; and education and literacy.
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