If an article (or book or media) is not available from the Cheng Library, you may request an InterLibrary Loan (the Cheng Library requests the item for you from another library).
The link below will bring you to the log-in for the InterLibrary Loan & Article Copy service. If you have any questions about how this works, click on the tutorial to the right.
Books and media should be available within two weeks and must be picked up at the library.
When reviewing articles and books, you might come across a citation for another article that you'd like to use.
To find out if the Library has the article, use the Journals A-Z List tab on the Library homepage, and search for the journal name (not the name of the article).
This will tell you if we have the full-text of this article in another database OR in paper or microform (WPUNJ Print, WPUNJ Film, WPUNJ Fiche).
Check your citation to find out the year that the article was published and compare it to the available options.
This short tutorial will walk you through the above steps: