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ENG3760: Life/Writings Indigenous Women: Finding Articles

Using Databases to Find Research Articles

When conducting academic research, you should try to find as much information about previous research on your topic, as possible. 

One of the best places to look for articles is on the Library’s Databases tab.  Databases range from general to subject-specific, can be used from off campus, and many offer full-text access to articles.

If your topic covers more than one subject (Social Sciences and Education, etc.) you'll want to search more than one database to get the full picture.

Visit our main Databases page, for a full list of resources available to you!

English Databases

Search All isn't always the best place to go when doing research.  In fact, some our our databases actually offer more control over you searching!  

The following databases are good starting points for your English research.  The contents of each are different (with some overlap) so it's always a good idea to check in multiple databases to ensure that you find all relevant information.

If you topic touches on another subject, such as education, health, or gender studies, be sure to look in those databases as well (see below).

Subject Guide

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Bill Duffy
Bill Duffy

Head of Reference

David & Lorraine Cheng Library

William Paterson University

Reference Office 107c
