If the full text of an article is not accessible from the database you are using, click on the link . Using this link will help you determine if the article is available in another database or in another format such as microfiche, microfilm or print. If the article is in another database, simply click on the link to navigate to the full text of the article.
If the link is not apparent on the webpage, you can also go directly to the library Journals A-Z list and search for your journal / source name. If the journal is available online, you can follow the link to the full text.
If the record indicates that a title is in one of the following formats:
Follow the link to log-in as a WPUNJ user. If you want the article emailed to you, select the box, Click Here and we will email the article to you, and complete the request form. A copy of the article will be scanned and sent to your WPUNJ email address usually within 48 hours.
By phone
Call 973-720-2116
The Reference Desk is staffed until 10PM Sunday-Friday and until 5:00pm on Saturday.
By e-mail
Send your question to the Reference Desk via email - refdesk@wpunj.edu Allow 24 hours for a response.
Schedule a Research Appointment
Contact the library for an appointment with a Reference Librarian: Schedule Research Help
Since it is impossible for the library to subscribe to every publication, you will, from time to time, come across an article that is not available from the Cheng Library. When you check for full text and you encountered a screen that indicates "Sorry, no holdings were found for this journal" you may request a copy of the article using our InterLibrary Loan service. Complete and submit the form and the Cheng Library will obtain a copy of the article from another library and email it to your WPUNJ email account. Please allow one week for delivery.
If you are requesting a book that is not available from the Cheng Library, you may complete the book request form. Please allow at least two weeks for delivery. You must come to the Library to pick it up and return it.