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Anthropology/Archaeology: Cultural Anthropology

Web resources for cultural and physical anthropology, ethnography and archaeology.

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Cultural Anthropology

Anthropology Collection Database
Anthropology collections of the Department of Anthropology, California Academy of Sciences
American Anthropological Association
Selected internet resources
We the people: American indians and Alaska Natives in the United States: Census 2000 Special Reports
A U.S. government report that provides a portrait of the American Indian and Alaska Native population in the United States and discusses the largest specified tribal groupsing, reservations, Alaska Native village statistical areas, and areas outside reservations at the national level.
African Voices
Smithsonian website featuring the history, culture and art of Africa.
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
An introductory, online text of ancient world cultures including Egypt, the Near East, India, China, Medieval Europe, Classical Greece, the Roman Empire and the Islamic World.
WWW Virtual Library - American Indians
Culture, history, education, art, language and more.
International, non-profit organization providing information about indigenous nations, peoples, and organizations.
Yahoo's directory of Cultural Anthropoloy
Links to ethnobiology, ethnography, medical and visual anthropology, kinship and language sites.
Mesoweb: An exploration of Mesoamerican Cultures
Links and articles devoted to ancient Mesoamerica and its cultures: the Olmec, Maya, Teotihuacano, Zapotec, Mixtec, Toltec, Aztec and others. "We reserve the word Mayan for the language and the word Maya for the people and their culture, ancient and modern." Hosts the Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute. Also has some information about Peru.

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Judy Matthew
Head of Periodicals & Document Delivery

David and Lorraine Cheng Library

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