The Education Law Center (ELC) is an advocate for children in New Jersey public schools. Their website gives background information about issues affecting public schools, including bullying, funding, preschool education, special education and others. The Research section provides over ten years of data about ethnicity and eligibility for school lunch programs. Information about cases argued by the ELC, including Abbott v. Burke is also available.
Grades: PreK - 12
Find information about bills, statutes, districts, legislators and the New Jersey legislature. View or listen to live proceedings. The Kids Page answers questions about the law-making process and includes state symbols and puzzle pages.
Grades: 9 - 12
"Life without limits for people with disabilities." The United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is committed to ensuring the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all facets of society. Includes links for education, health & wellness, public policy, housing, parenting & families, products & services, sports & leisure, travel and transportation.
Grades: PreK - 12
Peter and Pamela Wright teach Special Education Law at William & Mary Law School. This website provides extensive information to support parents, teachers and administrators in assisting and advocating for students with special needs.
Grades: PreK - 12