The Buros Institute, publishers of the Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print, has created this online index to educational, psychological and vocational tests. Search by title, category or keyword. Use this site to identify the location of the test reviews, then find the reviews in the cited publications that are available in the David and Lorraine Cheng Library's Reference collection.
Grades: PreK - 12
This site connects users to examples of rubrics and tools to create rubrics. It also discusses and provides examples of authentic assessments. From the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Grades: K - 12
The ETS (Educational Testing Service) Test Collection includes citations to 20,000 tests and measurement instruments, with contact and availability information. Search by author, title or descriptor (subject). You must contact the publisher to obtain access to most tests.
Grades: PreK - 12
Sponsored by the National Center for Learning Disabilities this resource is dedicated to building the literacy skills of preschoolers. It provides resources and information for parents, educators and librarians, including a screening tool to assess a child's early literacy skills. Provides recommendations for early literacy activities. Spanish version available.
Grades: PreK - 2
Established by the Educational Testing Service in 2011, the Gordon Commission brought together a panel of educational leaders to study how assessment can support learning in the 21st century. Reports of the Gordon Commission are available from the Publications tab.
Grades: K - 12
Well-knows educator Kathy Schrock provides links to assessment and rubric information, including rubric builders, Common Core State Standards rubrics, rubrics for technology projects, subject specific rubrics, graphic organizers, as well as articles about rubrics.
Grades: K - 12
PARE is an on-line journal that provides access to articles on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice that are useful to both teachers and researchers. PARE is listed among the ejournals in education by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition( SPARC), and the website for the AERA SIG "Communications Among Researchers".
Grades: K - 12
RubiStar helps teachers create rubrics quickly and easily and explains why, when, and how to use a rubric. Tutorials help to make customized rubrics, and provide ways to analyze the data about the performance of a whole class. If registered your rubrics can be saved. This site is supported by the Advanced Learning Technologies project at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.
Grades: K - 12
Offers a tutorial that explains how to use and develop rubrics, and a Rubric Library that provides samples for all grade levels and subject areas. A free, downloadable blank rubric is also available. Part of the Family Education Network.
Grades: K - 12