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PBHL2920: LGBTQ Health: Locating Articles

General Search Tips

Database Searching Tips

  • Select/switch to the advanced search option

  • Do a keyword search first to see what is available

  • Too many results? Add an additional term or two

  • Too few results? Think of synonyms for your term(s)

  • Many databases have a Thesaurus function

  • Refine or limit your search to scholarly/peer reviewed articles

  • All databases allow you to print or email your results

  • Use the reference list from an article to locate additional sources

Finding Articles on LGBT Topics

Finding good articles about LGBT topics can sometimes be difficult, because LGBT individuals and/or issues are discussed in many different contexts, subjects, and communities.

To locate articles using Library databases, you can click on the Databases tab from the Library homepage. With over 130 databases, some will be more appropriate to your searches than others. Depending on the focus of your research, you might also use the dropdown menu to select an subject like Public Health or Psychology to look at specific aspects of your topic. Most databases are accessible from off campus, allowing you to do research from home.

You will probably need to search more than one database to make sure you're finding as much information on your topic as possible.

Below are some of the databases you may find useful for researching LGBT issues:

General Knowledge Databases

These resources search across disciplines and may locate research on seemingly unrelated topics.  A good place to begin your research!

Health-Specific Databases

To focus on the health aspects of your population, you will want to explore these resources.

Social Issue Databases

The following databases will help in identifying the role of society and culture in exploring LGBT issues.

Creating Personal Folders in Databases

Many, if not all, of the library databases allow you to create accounts within the database to store your articles and searches for future reference.

When completing a search, you will often see options such as "Mark" or "Add to Folder" . If you decide to use this feature you will need to create an account in the database. The good news is that once you create an account in an EBSCO database such as PsycInfo, you can add items from any of their databases using the same username and password. The same holds true for the ProQuest databases.